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December 15, 2024

The News to His People (The Shepherds)

Sermon Series:

Go Tell It On The Mountain

Luke 2:8-20

Main Idea

The shepherd's reaction to Jesus' birth shows us our response to Christmas should lead us to Christ, to testify, and to worship.


1. They run to his side (vv8-16)
2. They re-tell his story (vv17-19)
3. They rejoice in his birth (vv20)


When you receive unexpected news, especially something joyful, how do you typically respond? Do you share it immediately, reflect on it privately, or react in another way?
What does worship mean to you personally, and how do you express it in your daily life?

Discussion Questions

In verses 8-16, the shepherds receive the angel’s message and immediately go to find Jesus. What does their prompt response teach us about obedience and eagerness in seeking Christ?
Reflect on James 1:22, which encourages us to be doers of the word and not hearers only. How can we apply this principle when we sense God prompting us to act?
After seeing Jesus, the shepherds spread the word about what had been told them concerning this child. How does their example inspire us to share our faith and experiences with others?
Consider 1 Peter 3:15, which urges believers to always be prepared to give an answer for the hope they have. What are some practical ways you can share the story of Jesus in your community?
How can you share the story of Jesus’ impact on your life with others during this Christmas season?

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