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  • Paula Averill

    Kids Ministry Director Paula Averill Paula has been attending Peace since 2018 and joined the staff in 2020. Originally from Jenison, Michigan, she has been married to Matt for over 22 years. They have two boys, Drew and Jacob, and a dog named Zeke. Paula and Matt enjoy traveling, and she loves planning their next adventure when she’s not working. Her favorite Bible verse is Romans 12:2: "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Contact Kid's Ministry Admin

  • Missional Decline v.s. The Word of God

    March 17, 2024 Missional Decline v.s. The Word of God Sermon Series: Withstand Download PDF Ephesians 6:17B-20 and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak. Main Idea Your effectiveness in spiritual warfare is connected to your depth of spiritual intimacy Outline 1. Effectiveness in Spiritual Warfare 2. Deepening your Spiritual Intimacy Pre-Questions 1. The passage mentions the "sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." How can we more effectively wield this "sword" in our daily lives and in spiritual warfare? Share a time when the Word of God was particularly powerful in your life. 2. Read Corinthians 10:3-5. How does this passage help us understand spiritual warfare better? Discussion Questions 1. The main idea of the message today was, "Your effectiveness in spiritual warfare is connected to your depth of spiritual intimacy." Do you feel like that is true? How do you see that play out in your life? 2. The passage emphasizes the importance of "praying at all times in the Spirit." Discuss how prayer strengthens our spiritual intimacy and equips us for spiritual warfare. How can we cultivate a consistent prayer life? 3. Paul asks for prayers that he may "declare [the gospel] boldly, as I ought to speak." How can we overcome fear or hesitation to boldly proclaim the gospel in our own lives? Discuss ways we can support and encourage each other in this mission. 4. Psalm 1 says that believers ought to delight in the law [scripture] daily. When Jesus was in any crisis he went back to scripture (Matthew 4:4, Matthew 21:13, Matthew 27:46, Luke 4:18-19). What does this show us about how Jesus delighted in scripture? What does that show us about our relationship with scripture should be?

  • Kevin Doerfler

    Custodian Kevin Doerfler Kevin has been attending Peace since 2021 and joined the staff in 2023. Originally from Ohio, he has been married to his wife Ginnie since 1989. They moved to Gun Lake in 2019 after spending three decades in Portage/Kalamazoo. They have one daughter, Lauren, who is married to Luke, and they have a grandson, Roman. Kevin and Ginnie have a Morkie named Gracie and enjoy traveling, cooking, canning, reading, and spending time with friends and family. Kevin’s favorite Bible verses are Colossians 3:17 and Romans 8:32, 38-39. Contact Facilities Department

  • Roger Weise

    Maintenance & Safety Technician Roger Weise Roger began attending Peace Church in January 2024 and joined the staff in July 2024. Originally from Alpena, MI, he is married to his wife, Cathy, and they have twins: Jordon, who is married to Victoria and lives in Nashville, TN, and Jenna, who lives in Holland. They also have a dog named Aspen. In his free time, Roger enjoys spending time with family and friends, attending sporting events and concerts, dining out, traveling, exploring new places, and photographing his adventures. He also enjoys working on home improvement and landscaping projects. His favorite Bible verse is John 3:16. Contact Facilities Department

  • Membership | Peace Church

    Membership Interested in becoming a member of Peace Church? Interested in becoming a member of Peace Church? Join one of our two-part Membership Classes from 8-9 AM in the Venue to learn about our theology, philosophy, and how to get involved. Childcare is provided. After completing both classes, you'll meet with a zone elder to finalize your membership. For more information on baptism, profession of faith, and upcoming membership classes, see below or contact . Baptism We believe that Jesus has commanded all those who are His to be baptized with pure water "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Matthew 28:19). This sacrament signifies our reception into the Church of God, which separates us from all other religions and dedicates us wholly to Him (Galatians 3:27). Yet, we deny that baptism is necessary for salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9; Luke 23:42-43, Romans 3:28, Romans 4:5, Galatians 2:16, Titus 3:5). We believe and confess that Jesus Christ, by His sacrificial death and the shedding of His blood, has fulfilled and abolished the old covenant practice of circumcision, instituting instead the sacrament of baptism (Colossians 2:11-12). ​ Therefore, we believe in the baptism of infants, as it aligns with the biblical precedent of including children in the covenant community, much like the practice of circumcision under the old covenant (Genesis 17:10-12; Acts 2:38-39). Christ's redemptive work extends to the children of believers, and they, too, should receive the sign and sacrament of baptism, affirming that Jesus shed His blood for them as well (Luke 18:15-17; Acts 16:31-33). This practice underscores the continuity of God’s covenant promises, ensuring that our children are marked by the covenant from the earliest moments of their lives (Acts 16:15, 33; 1 Corinthians 7:14). We hold firmly that this sacrament, once administered, is sufficient for the entirety of one's life, symbolizing both our initiation into the faith and God's enduring grace towards us (Ephesians 4:5; Romans 6:3-4). Article about Infant Baptism Profession of Faith Article about Profession of Faith

  • Funerals | Peace Church

    Funerals We have the capacity to conduct funeral services for church members and their parents, children, and grandchildren. Funeral Arrangement Process To arrange a funeral at Peace Church, complete the form and a staff member will contact you. Go Funeral Fees and Policy Go Funeral Request Form

  • History | Peace Church

    Our History Nearly 60 years ago, a dedicated group of believers embarked on a mission to fulfill God's great commission in a new location, south of Grand Rapids. Initially known as South East Area Reformed Church, our congregation was planted in the mid-60s. In 1965, we officially launched under the name Peace Reformed Church, reflecting our commitment to embodying and spreading Christ's peace. Over the decades, Peace Church has grown and evolved, adapting to the needs of our community while staying true to our core mission of discipleship and outreach. From our humble beginnings, Peace Church has expanded its ministries to include vibrant programs for children, students, men, and women. Our intentional focus on discipleship has resulted in consistent growth and deepened faith within our congregation. We are committed to not only nurturing our church family but also reaching out to our local and global communities, supporting missionaries, and hosting various outreach events. Through the years, our unwavering dedication to spreading the Gospel and serving others has been the cornerstone of our journey.

  • Contact Us | Peace Church

    Contact Us First name* Last name Email* Phone Message* Send Us A Message (616) 891 - 8119 6950 Cherry Valley Rd, Middleville MI, 49333

  • What We Believe | Peace Church

    What We Believe Our Theology Inerrancy We affirm that the whole of Scripture and all its parts, down to the very words of the original, were given by divine inspiration (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21). We affirm that Scripture in its entirety is inerrant, being free from all falsehood, fraud, or deceit (Proverbs 30:5; John 10:35). We affirm that the Holy Spirit bears witness to the Scriptures, assuring believers of the truthfulness of God's written Word (John 14:26; 1 Corinthians 2:12-13). ​ We hold to the doctrine of verbal plenary inspiration, meaning that every word of Scripture is God-breathed (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21). The Bible, therefore, is not just true but the highest authority for life and faith, a sacred and awe-inspiring gift from God (Psalm 119:160; John 17:17). The Gospel We believe that human beings are born into sin, fall short of God’s perfect standard (Romans 3:23), and that this sin is deserving of eternal death (Romans 6:23). Central to our faith is the belief that Jesus Christ came to live the perfect life of righteousness that we couldn’t live (2 Corinthians 5:21), die the death for sin that we deserved to die (1 Peter 3:18), and rose to new life so that all who put their faith in Him can have new life as well (Romans 6:4). We believe in penal substitutionary atonement, meaning that Jesus bore our penalty as our substitute to atone for our sin (Isaiah 53:5-6). Sermon Article Baptism We believe that Jesus has commanded all those who are His to be baptized with pure water "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Matthew 28:19). This sacrament signifies our reception into the Church of God, which separates us from all other religions and dedicates us wholly to Him (Galatians 3:27). Yet, we deny that baptism is necessary for salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9; Luke 23:42-43, Romans 3:28, Romans 4:5, Galatians 2:16, Titus 3:5). We believe and confess that Jesus Christ, by His sacrificial death and the shedding of His blood, has fulfilled and abolished the old covenant practice of circumcision, instituting instead the sacrament of baptism (Colossians 2:11-12). ​ Therefore, we believe in the baptism of infants, as it aligns with the biblical precedent of including children in the covenant community, much like the practice of circumcision under the old covenant (Genesis 17:10-12; Acts 2:38-39). Christ's redemptive work extends to the children of believers, and they, too, should receive the sign and sacrament of baptism, affirming that Jesus shed His blood for them as well (Luke 18:15-17; Acts 16:31-33). This practice underscores the continuity of God’s covenant promises, ensuring that our children are marked by the covenant from the earliest moments of their lives (Acts 16:15, 33; 1 Corinthians 7:14). We hold firmly that this sacrament, once administered, is sufficient for the entirety of one's life, symbolizing both our initiation into the faith and God's enduring grace towards us (Ephesians 4:5; Romans 6:3-4). Article Sexuality We believe God designed marriage to be between one man and one woman for life and for sex to remain within such a marriage (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:4-6). Although there are many temptations in this world, we believe sex outside of such a marriage to be sin (Hebrews 13:4). Those living in sin should turn to Christ with faith and repentance, receive God’s forgiveness, and come to live according to God’s good design (1 Corinthians 6:9-11; Acts 3:19). We believe God created man in his own image, male and female in knowledge righteousness and holiness with dominion over the creatures (Genesis 1:27). Reformed We align with the Reformation theology, holding to salvation by grace alone, through Christ alone, by faith alone, to the glory of God alone, and the ultimate authority of Scripture alone (Ephesians 2:8-9; John 14:6; Romans 1:17; 1 Corinthians 10:31; 2 Timothy 3:16-17). We also affirm God's sovereignty over all things in creation and salvation (Romans 8:28-30). We affirm the five points of Calvinism (outlined in the Canons of Dort) (John 6:37; John 10:29; Ephesians 1:4-5). Complementarity We believe God created human beings, male and female, and that God made men and women equal in value yet distinct in role (Genesis 1:27; Galatians 3:28). God has given both men and women extraordinary gifts for ministry but has called men into unique roles of Christ-like leadership in the home and in the church (1 Timothy 2:12; Titus 1:5-9). Specifically — within the church — we believe God calls men exclusively to be pastors and elders (1 Timothy 3:1-7). Within the home, we believe that God calls men to love their wives like Christ loves the church (his bride), and wives are called to submit to their husbands like the church does to Christ (Ephesians 5:22-25). Sermon Series Creation We believe that God created Adam and Eve in His own image as the first humans on earth, from whom all other humans have descended (Genesis 1:26-28; Genesis 2:7, 21-22; 1 Corinthians 15:45). We affirm that Satan tempted Adam and Eve, disobeyed God, and thus brought sin into the world, causing all humanity to be born into sin and in need of a savior (Genesis 3:1-6; Romans 5:12; 1 Corinthians 15:22). We affirm the literal, historical existence of Adam and Eve and assert that God was actively and sovereignly involved in creation (Acts 17:24-26; Isaiah 45:12). We believe that God created the world in six days and that He created it good (Exodus 20:11; Genesis 1:31). End-times ​ We believe the millennium began with Jesus Christ's resurrection and will continue until His second coming. This is also called amillennialism. This eschatological view interprets the "thousand years" mentioned in Revelation 20 symbolically rather than literally. During this period, deceased believers reign spiritually with Christ in heaven, awaiting their physical resurrection and the renewal of all things (Revelation 20:4-6). We believe this holds that Satan is bound in a limited sense, having been defeated at the cross, allowing the gospel to spread throughout the nations (Revelation 20:2-3; Matthew 28:18-20). Tithing Distinctions Our Mission & Vision Vision To see the Gospel embraced and passed on for generations of Kingdom impact. Mission At Peace Church, we are Gospel-Centered, Family-Focused, and Kingdom-Minded. Our Values Gospel-Centered Gospel The gospel is the good news that although we have sinned and fallen short of God’s perfect standard (Rom 3:23) and therefore deserve eternal death (Rom 6:23), God sent his only Son Jesus Christ to live the perfect life we couldn’t live, die the death for sin we deserved to die, and rise to life so that by faith we can have eternal life with him (John 3:16). ​ Bible Although we can summarize the main message of the gospel in a sentence, really the whole Bible is the story of the gospel - the story of God saving his people. ​ We believe the Bible is God’s Word (2 Tim 3:16) and therefore that it is without error and the highest authority in our lives. ​ Mission God made it clear that the mission of every Christian church is to make disciples of Jesus (Matt 28:18-20). We have been given the life-saving message of the gospel, and we must take it to the world, preaching and praying for the lost to be saved by faith in Christ. Family-Focused The Family of the Home God designed the family as the primary place where discipleship happens (Deut 6:4-9). A strong church and society is built around healthy families seeking to follow Jesus together. We believe in the sanctity of marriage, the sanctity of human life including unborn human lives, and we seek to invest in creating healthy marriages and families. The Family of the Church God calls the church to operate not merely as an organization, but as a family - the family of faith. We care for each other, encourage each other, and challenge each other, as we seek to follow Jesus together. Kingdom-Minded The Kingdom of God is wherever knees and hearts are bowing to the King. It is not just happening at Peace Church. We seek to reach our community with the gospel, plant more churches who preach the gospel, and send missionaries to the ends of the world to preach the gospel. Three Forms of Unity While creeds/confessions/catechisms are not the Bible, they are helpful resources to help us explain and teach what the Bible says. Peace Church holds to what has been called the Three Forms of Unity, the historic Christian creeds of the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of Dort. Belgic Confession Go Heidelberg Catechism Go The Canons of Dort Go

  • Get Involved | Peace Church

    Get Involved Frequently Asked Questions Do I need to be a member to join a group or serve? No, there are some areas in the church where can serve and join a group without being a member. However, if you consider Peace Church your home, we encourage you to consider membership. You can learn more about the membership process here . Is childcare provided for groups? Childcare is provided for the Thursday morning Women's Bible Study. For community groups, it depends on the group itself. You can find a list of community groups here and connect with them to learn more about their childcare arrangements. Groups Find a group to grow in your faith with through studying God's Word together. Join A Group Membership Find more information about membership, baptism, and profession of faith. Become a Member Serve Discover opportunities to use your gifts and make disciples by joining a ministry team. Start Serving How Can We Pray? Go Weddings Go Funerals Go

  • Sermon Discussion Questions | Peace Church

    Sermon Discussion Questions Filter by Sermon Series Select Sermon Series July 7, 2024 Take Up Your Cross ​ June 2, 2024 Living Water: Woman at the Well (Part 1 of 3) It Had To Be Said May 26, 2024 What Do I Do With My Guilt? What Do I Do With My Guilt? May 19, 2024 An Overview of the End Times The Church Never Preaches On... May 12, 2024 The Power of Sin in the Christian Life The Church Never Preaches On... May 5, 2024 Is Israel Still God's Chosen People? The Church Never Preaches On... April 28, 2024 Hell, the Occult, & the Demonic The Church Never Preaches On... April 21, 2024 The Beauty and Truth of Heaven The Church Never Preaches On... April 14, 2024 Christians Judging Others The Church Never Preaches On... April 7, 2024 Yes And Amen To The Promise Of Peace Always Yes March 24, 2024 Yes and Amen to the Promise of Mercy Always Yes March 17, 2024 Missional Decline v.s. The Word of God Withstand View More Sermons

  • Weddings | Peace Church

    Weddings Peace Church is happy to participate in instituting Christian marriages for believers in Jesus Christ. Marriage is a covenant, designed by God, and modeled after Christ and His relationship with His church. It is the lifelong and faithful union of one man and one woman before God. The purpose of a Christian marriage is to glorify God in reflecting the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world through the marriage relationship. 01. Couples desiring to be married at Peace Church must be Christians. (2 Corinthians 6:14) 02. At least one individual must be a member of Peace Church. 03. The couple must agree to remain sexually abstinent and live separately until marriage. 04. The couple must participate in pre-marital counseling (3-5 sessions) with a Peace Church pastor. To allow time for this, wedding applications should be submitted at least 3 months in advance of the wedding date. 05. If one or both person(s) has been married before, their union must conform to the biblical teaching on divorce and remarriage. Peace Church holds to the biblical teachings that remarriage is only permissible following a divorce caused by adultery or abandonment by a nonbeliever (which includes abuse). Requirements We're serious about marriage at Peace Church. Therefore, the requirements to be married by a Peace Church Pastor are as follows: Wedding Application Process The first step in the process is to fill out the wedding application. A Peace Church staff member will contact you following your application submission. Wedding Policy and Pricing Go Wedding Application Go

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