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  • Michael VanVolkinburg

    Wayland Ministry Coordinator Michael VanVolkinburg Michael has been attending Peace Church since January 2024 and joined the staff in July 2024. Originally from Wayland, Michigan, he is blessed with a wonderful wife, Mallary, and two beautiful children: Aria (10) and Daxton (7). Michael enjoys a variety of activities depending on the season. In the summer, he loves fishing and spending time outdoors with his family. During the winter months, he enjoys playing games and painting, also with his family. His favorite Bible passage is Ezekiel 37:1-14. Contact Campus Coordinator

  • Vicky Damico

    Special Needs Coordinator Vicky Damico Vicky has been attending Peace since 2019 and joined the staff in 2023. Originally from Southern California, she and her husband, who were both raised there, have been married since 2010. They moved their family to West Michigan in the summer of 2018. They have three daughters: Lucy, Emily, and Macy. The family is actively involved in soccer, cheer, softball, and 4H, and they have a variety of animals on their farm, including chickens, ducks, goats, pigs, cats, and dogs. They enjoy going to baseball games and concerts together. Vicky's favorite Bible passage is Lamentations 3:22-23: "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." Contact Kid's Ministry Admin

  • Samuel Thaler

    Bold Boys Coordinator Samuel Thaler Samuel has been attending Peace since 2021 and has been on staff since 2022. Originally from Middleville, Michigan, he is married to Kelley, and they have been together for 8 years. They are parents to Moses and Dottie, with another child on the way. Samuel enjoys being physically active through basketball, pickleball, volleyball, biking, and outdoor activities like camping, yard work, and house projects. His favorite Bible verse is Joshua 1:9: "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Contact Kid's Ministry Admin

  • Polarizing Division Vs. Gospel Peace  

    March 3, 2024 Polarizing Division Vs. Gospel Peace Sermon Series: Withstand Download PDF Ephesians 6:15 and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. Main Idea The Gospel makes us ready to bring peace in a polarized world. Outline 1. Gives us what we stand in and on. (v15a) 2. Makes us ready to face the world. (v15b) 3. Brings us back home. (v15c) Pre-Questions 1. What about this sermon challenged your worldview? 2. Have you been praying for Peace Church and its leaders during this series? Discussion Questions Reflect on the list of divisive issues mentioned in the sermon (gun laws, climate change, abortion, etc.). Which of these topics do you find most challenging to discuss with others who hold opposite views, and why? How can the Gospel guide us in these conversations? The sermon highlights the growing polarization in American politics and its correlation with people's views on social and policy issues. How does identifying primarily as an ambassador of the Kingdom of Heaven, rather than by political affiliation, change the way we engage with the world and its issues? The main idea of the sermon is that the Gospel makes us ready to bring peace in a polarized world. Discuss how the Gospel equips us to be peacemakers. What are practical ways we can embody the gospel of peace in our interactions with others, especially those with whom we disagree? Ephesians 6:15 discusses the "readiness given by the gospel of peace" as part of the spiritual armor. In the context of the sermon, how does this piece of armor help Christians withstand the spiritual battles behind cultural and political wars? Share examples from your own life or observations. Considering the sermon's emphasis on the Gospel's role in bringing peace to a polarized world, what are some specific actions or commitments we can make as individuals and as a group to bring the message of peace into divisive environments? How can we support each other in these efforts?

  • Jackie Terpstra

    Executive Assistant Jackie Terpstra Jackie has been attending Peace since 2012 and has been on staff since 2018. Originally from Grandville, Michigan, she is married to Corey, and they have been together for 17 years. They have a daughter, Elodie, and a son, Ford. As a family, they enjoy camping. Jackie's favorite Bible passage is Jeremiah 29:11. Contact the Executive Assistant

  • Nate Harney

    Executive Pastor of Ministries Nate Harney Nate has been attending Peace since 2022 and joined the staff the same year. Originally from Byron Center, he is married to his wife Brynne, and they have three children: Coen, Piper, and Isla. In his free time, Nate loves spending time with his family and doing work around the house. His favorite Bible passage is John 13:33-36. Contact the Executive Assistant

  • The Beauty and Truth of Heaven

    April 21, 2024 The Beauty and Truth of Heaven Sermon Series: The Church Never Preaches On... Download PDF Revelation 21:1-5 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” Main Idea Heaven is another reminder that the best is yet to come Outline 1. The Heaven that there currently is. (v1) 2. The Heaven that there will be. (v2-5) Pre-Questions 1. What ways does our culture get the concept of heaven wrong? 2. What most excites you when you think of heaven? Discussion Questions 1. Who is heaven for? 2. In what ways did this sermon challenge your view of Heaven? 3. How does Hebrews 12:22–25 connect to Revelation 21:1-5? 4. How is heaven a real future place and a real current reality? Read Ephesians 2:4–6 and discuss.

  • Present Darkness vs. Spiritual Strength

    February 18, 2024 Present Darkness vs. Spiritual Strength Sermon Series: Withstand Download PDF Ephesians 6:10-13 10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Main Idea We need the whole armor of God if we are to stand strong. Outline 1. We need to be all in because the enemy is all in (vs 10-11) 2. We need the right perspective to identify the true enemy (vs 12) 3. We need the whole armor for the whole battle (vs 13) Pre-Questions What do you think of when you think about spiritual warfare? What kind of things stuck out to you in the sermon that you’d like to address further? Discussion Questions In the sermon, Ryan said “The Devil has a specific strategy for you. He doesn’t use cookie-cutter strategies.” How does this impact your perspective on how you must fight? How does knowing our enemy change how we operate in the world around us? After hearing this sermon and reading this passage of scripture, who is God calling you to love that you wouldn’t naturally love? How will you put on the armor this week? When Jesus went to the cross he was most likely crucified naked in our place. How does Jesus’ death allow us to be able to put on the armor of God? How does the Gospel connect to putting on the armor of God? In light of this, how will you respond in worship?

  • Home | Peace Church

    Tom Lehman Funeral Service Livestream Tuesday, September 17 at 1 PM Watch Livestream Gospel Centered Family Focused Kingdom Minded Our vision is to see the Gospel embraced and passed on for generations of Kingdom impact. Latest Sermon The Lie Of "Love Is Love Watch Sermon View More Sermons Peace Church Wayland Go Middleville Sunday Services 8, 9:30 & 11 AM Get Directions Go Join Us Online 9:30 & 11 AM Watch Live Go About Get Involved Stay Connected Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and follow us on social media for the latest Peace Church updates. Newsletter Sign Up Ministries God has called Peace Church to proclaim the gospel. PROCLAIM is a two-year spiritual and financial journey to support this vision. Learn More Peace Church releases a podcast every Tuesday morning seeking to answer questions about the Christian faith in plain language. We invite you to send in your questions. Ask A Question Listen Resound Media is a place for Christians and church leaders to find resources that are faithful to Scripture and promote fruitful ministry. We want to see the gospel of Jesus resound across the world and the generations. Visit Resound Go Peace Kids Go Peace Kids Sunday Morning | Birth - 5th Grade Go Middle School Go Middle School Sunday Night | 6th - 8th Grade Go High School Go High School Sunday Night | 9th - 12th Grade Go Bold Boys Go Bold Boys Wednesday Night | 1st-3rd Grade Ministry Go Brave Girls Go Brave Girls Wednesday Night | 1st-3rd Grade Ministry Go Bold and Brave Go Bold and Brave Wednesday Night | 4th-5th Grade Ministry Go Women Go Women Thursday Morning and Night Bible Study Go Men Go Men Saturday Morning Bible Study Go Community Groups Go Community Groups Smaller gatherings throughout the week Go Worship and Production Go Worship and Production Sunday Morning Worship Go Special Needs Go Special Needs Birth - 12th Grade Go Friends At Peace Go Friends At Peace Adult Special Needs Ministry Go Young Adults Go Young Adults Tuesday Night Bible Study | 18 - 29 year olds Go 55+ Go 55+ Ministry for Adults 55 and older Go Meal Ministry Go Meal Ministry Providing Meals for those in need Membership Find more information about membership, baptism, and profession of faith. Become A Member Groups Find a group to grow in your faith with through studying God's Word together. Join A Group Serve Discover opportunities to use your gifts and make disciples by joining a ministry team. Start Serving That's A Good Question Peace Church releases a podcast every Tuesday morning seeking to answer questions about the Christian faith in plain language. We invite you to send in your questions. Ask A Question Proclaim God has called Peace Church to proclaim the gospel. PROCLAIM is a two-year spiritual and financial journey to support this vision. Learn More Resound Media Resound Media is a place for Christians and church leaders to find resources that are faithful to Scripture and promote fruitful ministry. We want to see the gospel of Jesus resound across the world and the generations. Visit Resound What We Believe Go Staff & Leadership Go History Go Stay Connected Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and follow us on social media for the latest Peace Church updates. Newsletter Sign Up Contact Us Instagram Facebook YouTube TikTo k Gospel Centered Family Focused Kingdom Minded Our vision is to see the Gospel embraced and passed on for generations of Kingdom impact. Cultural Lies Sermon Series The Lie Of "Live Your Truth" View Latest Sermon View More Sermons Peace Church Wayland Go Middleville Sunday Services 8, 9:30 & 11 AM View Directions Go Join Us Online 9:30 & 11 AM Livestream Go

  • Stephanie Boomsma

    Custodian Stephanie Boomsma Stephanie has been attending Peace since 2015 and has been on staff since 2017. Originally from Dutton, Michigan, she is married to Jason, an electrician with Buist Electric. They have a son and a daughter, and as a family, they enjoy camping trips to the UP and participating in 4H at the Barry County fair. In her free time, Stephanie loves outdoor activities such as fishing, biking, and hiking with her family and dog, and she enjoys caring for their small hobby farm animals. A Bible verse that has always resonated with her is Deuteronomy 33:27: "The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms." Contact Facilities Department

  • High School

    High School Ministry Upcoming Events Peace Church’s High School Ministry is a place where we believe the Word of God and we want to see it actually change the lives of our high schoolers! We meet most Sunday nights from 5:30-7 PM from September to May at Peace Church. High School meets in the Worship Center upstairs (while Middle School meets in the Venue downstairs). Doors open at 5:00 PM. A normal flow of youth group would include a snack and hangout time, a game, a short lesson or teaching, and a discussion time in small groups. Please drop off and pick up at the Main Entrance (off Cherry Valley). Family Venue entrance will be locked. Thanks! We also have several big events throughout the school year, including a Fall retreat and a Spring Break trip. Keep an eye out for updates as those trips approach! Parent Handbook October 5 | Corn Maze October 20 | Student Membership October 27 | Hawaiian Night November 8-10 | Fall Revival November 24| Faith, Career, and Education January 5 | Welcome Back Middle School Go Special Needs Go Stay Connected Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and follow us on social media for the latest ministry updates. Newsletter Sign Up Logan Bailey Discipleship Pastor Contact Us Go Interested in Serving? Go Stay Connected Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and follow us on social media for the latest ministry updates. Newsletter Sign Up Logan Bailey Discipleship Pastor Interested in Serving? Go Contact the Discipleship Admin Go Learn More Logan Bailey Discipleship Pastor Stay Connected Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and follow us on social media for the latest ministry updates. Newsletter Sign Up Interested in Serving? Go

  • Community Groups

    Community Groups Upcoming Events At Peace Church, as we continue to grow bigger, Community Groups are how we stay connected and build meaningful relationships. In these smaller, welcoming gatherings, you’ll find a place where you can be known and cared for—whether you’re new to faith or have been following Christ for years. Community Groups are designed to help you grow both in community and in your walk with God. Each group looks a little different—some dive deep into Bible studies, while others focus on prayer, service, or sharing life together. No matter the format, every group emphasizes building relationships and supporting one another through the highs and lows of life. Community groups meet weekly or bi-weekly and are where discipleship truly happens. You don’t need to have all the answers or be a seasoned Christian—everyone is welcome. It’s a great way to get connected, grow spiritually, and experience genuine care and community. We invite you to join a group and discover the connection, care, and spiritual growth we all need. Join A Community Group 55+ Go Men Go Women Go Stay Connected Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and follow us on social media for the latest ministry updates. Newsletter Sign Up Mitchell Leach Community Pastor Contact Us Go Interested in Serving? Go Stay Connected Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and follow us on social media for the latest ministry updates. Newsletter Sign Up Mitchell Leach Community Pastor Interested in Serving? Go Contact the Communications Admin Go Learn More Mitchell Leach Community Pastor Stay Connected Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and follow us on social media for the latest ministry updates. Newsletter Sign Up Interested in Serving? Go

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