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87 items found for ""

  • Brian Bloom

    Media Coordinator Brian Bloom Brian has been attending Peace and on staff since early 2023. Originally from Coldwater, Michigan, he grew up in a Christian home with his parents and two younger brothers. His mom is from Bogota, Colombia, and he has family on three continents. Brian is engaged to Kara, and they are planning to get married soon. He loves watching, playing, and discussing sports, enjoys board games, card games, and movies. His favorite Bible passage is Ephesians 2:4-5. Contact the Communications Admin

  • Kirsten VanderLaan

    Executive Assistant Kirsten VanderLaan Kirsten has been attending Peace for over 15 years and joined the staff in 2018. Originally from Hudsonville, Michigan, she has been married to her husband Jeff since 2005. They have three children: Addysen, Levi, and Everleigh. As a family, they love being outdoors, camping up north, and hiking together. In her free time, Kirsten enjoys watching football, especially the Detroit Lions, and also likes to read and do puzzles. Her current favorite Bible verse is 2 Corinthians 4:8-9. Contact the Executive Assistant

  • Lindsey Kerstetter

    4th & 5th Grade Coordinator Lindsey Kerstetter Lindsey has been attending Peace since 2018 and joined the staff in 2022. Originally from Grand Rapids, she is married to Ryan, and they have three children: Lucy, James, and Charlie. Her family enjoys outdoor activities and caring for their barn cats and 12 chickens. In her free time, Lindsey loves biking, hiking, boating, and DIY projects around the house. When she slows down, she enjoys reading her Bible or a good book on the porch. She has many favorite Bible verses, often rotating scripture cards in her kitchen. A recent favorite is Proverbs 3:5-6: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." Contact Kid's Ministry Admin

  • Friends At Peace

    Friends At Peace Ministry Upcoming Events Friends at Peace is a ministry for adults with special needs in our community! We meet during the school year on Tuesday nights from 6:00-7:30 PM. This is one of the most fun gatherings in the church. Let us know if you’re interested in joining as a Friend or as a Mentor! Special Needs Go Stay Connected Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and follow us on social media for the latest ministry updates. Newsletter Sign Up Vicky Damico Special Needs Coordinator Contact Us Go Interested in Serving? Go Stay Connected Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and follow us on social media for the latest ministry updates. Newsletter Sign Up Vicky Damico Special Needs Coordinator Interested in Serving? Go Contact Kid's Ministry Admin Go Learn More Vicky Damico Special Needs Coordinator Stay Connected Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and follow us on social media for the latest ministry updates. Newsletter Sign Up Interested in Serving? Go

  • Jon Delger

    Executive Pastor of Teaching Jon Delger Jon grew up at Peace and has been on staff since 2018. Originally from Middleville, Michigan, he is married to Stephanie, and they have four children. Jon enjoys doing projects on their house, spending time with family, reading, and cheering for Michigan football. His favorite Bible verse is Romans 8:32. Contact the Executive Assistant

  • Meal Ministry

    Meal Ministry Upcoming Events Peace Church's Meal Ministry exists to help provide meals to those in need-whether it be celebration of a new arrival, recovery, healing, etc. Click the button below and like our Meals Ministry Facebook page to stay updated on current needs. Meal Ministry Facebook Page Stay Connected Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and follow us on social media for the latest ministry updates. Newsletter Sign Up Chelsea Bennett Connections Director Contact Us Go Interested in Serving? Go Stay Connected Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and follow us on social media for the latest ministry updates. Newsletter Sign Up Chelsea Bennett Connections Director Interested in Serving? Go Contact the Connections Department Go Learn More Chelsea Bennett Connections Director Stay Connected Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and follow us on social media for the latest ministry updates. Newsletter Sign Up Interested in Serving? Go

  • Middle School

    Middle School Ministry Upcoming Events Our Middle School Ministry has two big goals: to help teens grow in their relationship with Jesus and have a lot of fun! We meet most Sunday nights at 5:30-7 PM from September to May at Peace Church. Middle School meets in the Venue downstairs (while High School meets in the Worship Center upstairs). Doors open at 5:00 PM. A normal night of youth group includes a short teaching, discussion time in small groups, game time, snack, and hangout time. Please drop off and pick up at the Main Entrance (off Cherry Valley). Family Venue entrance will be locked. Thanks! We also have several big events throughout the school year, including a weekend retreat in the winter. Keep an eye out for updates as those trips approach! Parent Handbook October 5 | Fall Tour October 20 | Student Membership October 27 | Hawaiian Night November 8 | Hangout Event January 5 | Welcome Back Special Needs Go High School Go Stay Connected Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and follow us on social media for the latest ministry updates. Newsletter Sign Up Derek Dean Middle School Coordinator Contact Us Go Interested in Serving? Go Stay Connected Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and follow us on social media for the latest ministry updates. Newsletter Sign Up Derek Dean Middle School Coordinator Interested in Serving? Go Contact the Discipleship Admin Go Learn More Derek Dean Middle School Coordinator Stay Connected Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and follow us on social media for the latest ministry updates. Newsletter Sign Up Interested in Serving? Go

  • Special Needs

    Special Needs Ministry Upcoming Events Peace Church is committed to providing students with extra needs the support they need to fully participate in the same activities as their peers, across all age groups. Our goal is to ensure that all families feel welcome and confident that they can worship together on Sunday mornings and throughout the week , without fear of their child being excluded. We offer a variety of programs, including Sunday Morning Programming (Newborn – 5th Grade), Brave Girls/Bold Boys on Wednesday nights, and Middle School and High School Youth Groups on Sunday nights. For older children who may not fit into the typical Sunday Morning programming, we also provide a Sensory Room option. To further support students with special needs at every age level, Peace Church pairs each child or student with a 1:1 buddy who works directly with them. This buddy system is in place across all our programs, ensuring that every child can participate fully and meaningfully in all activities, creating an inclusive environment for everyone. Friends At Peace Go Peace Kids Go Stay Connected Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and follow us on social media for the latest ministry updates. Newsletter Sign Up Vicky Damico Special Needs Coordinator Contact Us Go Interested in Serving? Go Stay Connected Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and follow us on social media for the latest ministry updates. Newsletter Sign Up Vicky Damico Special Needs Coordinator Interested in Serving? Go Contact Kid's Ministry Admin Go Learn More Vicky Damico Special Needs Coordinator Stay Connected Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and follow us on social media for the latest ministry updates. Newsletter Sign Up Interested in Serving? Go

  • Bold and Brave

    Bold and Brave Upcoming Events Join us for Bold Boys and Brave Girls every Wednesday from 6:30 to 8:00 PM from October to March. Bold Boys Ministry: Bold Boys is a mid-week program for boys in 1st through 5th grade. We meet every Wednesday from 6:30 to 8:00 PM throughout the school year. The program includes sports, woodworking, projects, and Bible lessons. Boys start with big group worship, followed by a Bible lesson, projects or games, and small group discussion with a snack. Brave Girls Ministry: Brave Girls is a high-energy ministry for girls in 1st through 5th grade. Meeting every Wednesday from 6:30 to 8:00 PM, the program includes Bible stories, Scripture memory, games, and crafts. Girls start with big group worship, followed by a Bible lesson, crafts or games, and small group discussion with a snack. What to Expect: Check-in starts at 6:15 PM. 4th-5th Grade Bold Boys & Brave Girls: The Venue Pick-up will be as close to 8 PM as possible. Brave Girls Go Bold Boys Go Stay Connected Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and follow us on social media for the latest ministry updates. Newsletter Sign Up Lindsey Kerstetter 4th & 5th Grade Coordinator Contact Us Go Interested in Serving? Go Stay Connected Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and follow us on social media for the latest ministry updates. Newsletter Sign Up Lindsey Kerstetter 4th & 5th Grade Coordinator Interested in Serving? Go Contact Kid's Ministry Admin Go Learn More Lindsey Kerstetter 4th & 5th Grade Coordinator Stay Connected Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and follow us on social media for the latest ministry updates. Newsletter Sign Up Interested in Serving? Go

  • Logan Bailey

    Discipleship Pastor Logan Bailey Pastor Logan has been at Peace since 2017. Originally from Davison, Michigan, he lives in Hastings, Michigan, with his family. They have a small hobby farm with dogs, chickens, and quail, and enjoy gardening. In his free time, Logan loves to go fishing and spend time with close friends. His favorite Bible passage is Psalm 23. Contact the Discipleship Admin

  • Hank Coleman

    HR & Finance Director Hank Coleman Hank has been attending Peace since 2022 and joined the staff the same year. Originally from Georgia, he grew up in the Atlanta area, while his wife, Renee, is from the San Diego area. They have seven children: Hannah, Elizabeth, Trey, Josiah, Seth, Rebecca, and Isaac. The family has lived in various states including Georgia, Alabama, California, West Virginia, and now Michigan. They enjoy road trips and spontaneous local adventures. Hank recently completed his Master of Divinity in Pastoral Counseling in May 2024. In his free time, he loves being outdoors, doing yard work, hiking, fishing, and having cookouts at parks with his family. His favorite Bible verses are Proverbs 3:5-6 and a humorous favorite, 2 Kings 2:23-25. Contact the Executive Assistant

  • Is Israel Still God's Chosen People?

    May 5, 2024 Is Israel Still God's Chosen People? Sermon Series: The Church Never Preaches On... Download PDF Romans 9:1-8 I am speaking the truth in Christ—I am not lying; my conscience bears me witness in the Holy Spirit— that I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were accursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brothers, my kinsmen according to the flesh. They are Israelites, and to them belong the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the worship, and the promises. To them belong the patriarchs, and from their race, according to the flesh, is the Christ, who is God over all, blessed forever. Amen. But it is not as though the word of God has failed. For not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel, and not all are children of Abraham because they are his offspring, but “Through Isaac shall your offspring be named.” This means that it is not the children of the flesh who are the children of God, but the children of the promise are counted as offspring. Main Idea ​ Outline 1. We should have a heart for the lost (1-3) 2. We should value God's history (4-5) 3. God never fails (6-8) Pre-Questions 1. When you hear the word covenant, what comes to mind? Discussion Questions 1. What is the only way for the lost to be saved? 2. Why should we have people in our lives who aren’t saved? 3. How should we think about the nation of Israel? 4. Read Romans 9:11–13. How does this passage help us understand this idea better?

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