Peace Kids Elementary

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Contact Sarah Grasman, Elementary Coordinator for more information:

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Summer Programming

1st - 3rd graders are welcome to join their parents in the Main Worship Center starting on May 26 for the summer. Full programming will resume at Fall Launch on September 8.

Young 5's and Kindergarten will check in upstairs, then head downstairs to room 110 for their lesson, worship and activity time. This will run May 26 - September 8.

Nursery and Pre-K programming will remain the same all summer long.


Peace Kids Elementary is for any child in Young 5's - 3rd grade.


During service, our Young 5’s - 3rd graders participate in age-appropriate learning. They will start in the downstairs gym as a large group and hear God’s word through storytelling and video and then worship together.  Following large group time, they will break into small groups by grade and dig deeper into the lesson.


The check-in process begins 15 minutes before the start of service. The first time you attend, visit our new family check in located upstairs in the kid’s wing. We will gather your household information and will print a child and parent tag with an identification number that matches only your child(ren). Keep this parent tag safe because you will need it for pick-up. If your child needs you during service, we will text your phone. Our check-in volunteers will then show you were your child will go for the morning and introduce you to their leader.


If you still have questions, please feel free to contact Paula Averill, the Peace Kids Ministry Director.